Mental Health Check-in

Keep Tabs On Your Mental Health

It’s an accepted practice to schedule a check-up with a medical professional for your physical health, but what about checking in on our mental health?

Every day, we’re each faced with a set of stresses and complications. Sometimes, we have the energy and tools to cope with those stresses and move on. Sometimes, it’s so overwhelming that we don’t know where to start on our journey toward feeling better.

These stresses we face can easily distract us from the basic human need to take an emotional time-out and care for our mind and spirit, and that’s why I created a Mental Health Check-in Email Series.

My goal for this resource is to work with participants to explore strategies for checking in with our mental well-being and provide tips for feeling better. If you’re ready to take an effective step toward improving your mental health, you don’t want to miss out on this email series.

Meet Dr Heith Root, Host of the Mental Health Check-in Email Series

Created by:

Dr Heith Root

Developing Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy is a term used to describe the ability to understand and express feelings. When you practice checking in with your mental health, you will, in turn, begin developing better emotional literacy skills. Once you feel comfortable identifying and tracking the emotions you have, you’ll be better able to manage your mood and reactions to stressful situations as they arise.

If you’re having a difficult time functioning effectively throughout the day due to negative thoughts and feelings, creating habits to monitor your mental health can be extremely beneficial.

I want each participant to walk away from this resource with tools to cope with stress in real-time and the confidence to seek support when they need it.

Are you ready to get started? If so, join me for this email series and begin making a change for the better.

I Can’t Wait to Share With You!